Improve Your Memory Power
It has long been our belief that brain function is at its peak during early adulthood and then gradually declines, leading to memory loss in later years. However, recent studies in the function of the brain have proven that it keeps evolving by building new connections to strengthen memory as we age, a phenomenon called neuroplasticity. We can increase our brain’s ability to change and reorganize itself and its function, i.e. neuroplasticity, at any time in our lives by simply staying engaged in new activities, learning new skills and interacting with other people, we see beneficial effects across the brain’s structure.
The brain's memory center, the hippocampus, is particularly capable of growing new cells and in fact regenerates throughout our entire lifetime provided the brain is given appropriate stimuli to guard against degeneration. This process is known as neurogenesis in which the brain reorganises itself by forming new neural connections.

Challenge Your Head The key to neuroplasticity is to learn new things every day and to challenge yourself to think in new ways and about new things. Regular learning changes the brain’s structure, improves our speed of thought, decision making abilities and comprehension of events as they occur around us.
Studies have shown that learning words in a new language, watching documentaries on subjects that fascinate you, doing crosswords or sudoku puzzles, reading, on a daily basis not only keeps your brain active, but also helps to delay memory loss.
Engage in “Whole Brain Thinking” The right hemisphere of the brain reasons holistically, meaning it is responsible for recognizing patterns and deciphering e
motions and nonverbal expressions. In contrast, the left hemisphere is responsible for logical thought processes such as sequencing and analytical thought.
Scanning the brain with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners reveal that playing musical instruments, learning a new language, juggling, dancing and 3 dimension puzzles challenge the brain by making simultaneous demands on both hemispheres .
Neuroplasticity is enhanced by repetition and attention. Teaching, sharing and empathizing are all activities that boost new neural development by encouraging our brains to explore new emotions and perspectives.